The Durham Farm Fresh Marketing Association is a not for profit membership based organization established in 1993. Our goal is to help local producers, and others committed to local food, market their local products to our local community.

Durham Farm Fresh is actively involved in a number of initiatives to expand opportunities in local food marketing including;  local agricultural fairs, local food events, signage, and education and training for members.

Our producer members often sell their products from the field or greenhouse at the farm gate, and farmers’ markets, reducing long distance transportation and guaranteeing a fresh and superior product. This farm fresh option allows the producer to focus completely on the taste and freshness of the product.

To find out more about how you as a producer, restaurant, or local food retailer can become involved, check out HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER.

Growing Opportunities:

There is always something new going on at Durham Farm Fresh!

Not too long ago, Durham Farm Fresh had undertaken a research project called “Expanding Opportunities in Local Food Marketing”. The project, funded through the Agricultural Adaptation Council, is a proactive initiative that undertakes research into the Durham Region marketplace to develop and implement strategies addressing new marketing opportunities.

And the results? … Durham Region consumers want local produce:

  • 47% consumers care about where their food is produced

  • 76% consumers ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ will purchase items labeled as locally produced

Analyzing consumer research, and engaging Durham Farm Fresh members through a series of interviews and a membership survey, the project consultant, BCI Marketing Partners Inc., published a long term strategy proposal in May, 2009. The strategy focuses on a number of key initiatives and guides the resources of Durham Farm Fresh. The initiatives include; marketing and promotions, developing best practices and a brand charter, increasing retailing opportunities, growth of the Durham Farm Fresh Marketing association staff and organization capacity, and fostering a continuous improvement approach to activities.

Following up on those proposals –  In 2011, Durham Farm Fresh secured funding through both the Trillium Foundation, and OMIF.  This has allowed us to greatly increase our consumer reach:

  • radio ads partnered with individual members are on-going,

  • short video’s of what Durham has to offer,

  • the revamping of this website,

  • the addition of a year round program co-ordinator to supplement our summer student,

  • and many more exciting opportunities are coming.. Stay Tuned!